Meet the Doctor

  • Dr. Sherra Conde

    Dr Sherra Conde is a Board-Certified Neuropathy Specialist who has helped thousands of people regain their quality of life back over the years.

    For over a decade she has helped patients reverse their neuropathy naturally using a unique three prong approach using nerve stimulation, metabolic nutritional supplements and regenerative technology.
    Our mission is to with passion and purpose to serve others to regain their health back and restoring their quality of life.

    Dr Conde Image

    Dr. Conde’s Passion

    Dr. Conde developed a passion for helping people address and reverse their neuropathy naturally after seeing so many people suffering from what some doctors thoughts were life long sentences to pain medications or wheelchair bound
    She witnessed other doctors give up on getting patients better or telling patients neuropathy is something they would have to learn to cope with. Dr Conde thought they didn’t make much sense and since nerves can regenerate that even neuropathy can be reversed, opposed to medications to suppress the symptoms.
    Dr. Conde is currently her obtaining her Board Certification in Neuropathy care from the American College of Physical Medicine (ACOPM) so that she could help these people with a higher level of care.
    Dr. Conde has worked with doctors across the country to consist of a detailed home care protocol that consistently produced results for people in reversing their neuropathy naturally in 3-12 months.

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Primary- 140 Carnegie Place #106 Fayetteville, GA


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1:00 pm-5:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-5:00 pm




9:00 am-12:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm



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